i can pray lyrics
You say I’m not able
I’m too young or I’m too old
And I can’t sing or teach
And no title do I hold
Lord, what can I do?
For I want to do my part
And I want to help the hurting
With all of my heart
I can pray until the walls come down
Until there’s healing all around
That’s something I can do
I can pray in my secret place
Calling on your name
That’s something I can do
I can pray
My family shows no interest
My child has gone so far
Though I try my best to reach them
Their hearts just seem so hard
Lord what can I do?
To help bring them back to you
For my family’s lost and dying
And my words don’t get through
You may not be a Sunday school teacher
You may not be able to sing
But friend there’s something we all can do
You can pray
In your secret place
Calling on his name
That’s something you can do
You can pray, I can pray, we can pray
I can pray, you can pray
I know you hear us Lord when we pray
We will prayhttps://youtu.be/X_mRBkNoHAo?si=iLIJbsP0mOWGI7wn
I will pray
Will you pray?
Disclaimer: Lyrics displayed here are for educational purposes only. We respect the artists and don't promote copyright infringement instead, if you enjoy the music then please support the respective artists and buy the original music from the legal music providers such as Gaana, Jiosaavn, iTunes,youtube etc.